An increase of women in the music industry

In the past years, many popular bands and their engineers have consisted of men. With the industry already having a standard of men running the music industry, it would be hard for women to have any chance of succeeding in the music industry as well. A well known artist, Selena Gomez, wanted to make sure that women were involved during the making of her album “Rare.” It allowed women to prove to the industry that they could do just as good a job as men can in the music process. “The Recording Academy’s Diversity and Inclusion Task Force" initiative was made so that women could be given the opportunities involved in the music industry. It was a good place for women to start if they wanted to work in the music industry and have a chance. 

I believe that the minds of men and women are different in the way they think and go about things. It is easy for a guy to say yes to an idea than think about the bigger picture, while women like to think more about the bigger picture in the end. With this in mind, women and men may have a harder time working together in the music industry. I do believe it is possible for them to find that connection of agreement, but when it may come to the writing process, men and women have different styles. If those styles could be tied together, I think we would have a breakthrough in music like we did with The Beatles. Men like to work with each other, so for them to allow women to help with their music path would be amazing. Great things would come out of women being more involved in the music industry. 

With a 12% increase of women in the music industry over the past 2 years, it shows that men are being more open to allowing others to help in the creative process. If that was only the past 2 years, think of the next 2 years ahead. How many more women will be included and working in the music industry? Which part of the music industry will grow the most? With their creative mindsets I believe they would work great in the band or as a manager for a band. 

In the past, if a woman had a job and she was in a family, it was considered disgraceful to the male of the household to not be providing for the family. A woman was considered the one to stay home and take care of the house and children while the man would work and provide for the family. As time progress, women become more involved in the work force. It is considered a norm for a female to have a job just as long as a man. But because of the past, our world is still in a stage of transformation in the work force to be including women. With constant change in the industry, all positions will be filled by both women and men. I believe that women should have the opportunity to try whatever they want, just as men are able.

When I am driving in my car listening to the radio, most of the time I will hear a song with a female voice in it. And I know that even 5 years ago, that was very unlikely to be heard. Women are forming their own bands, performing, and succeeding. There is a growth like nothing we’ve seen before. People are standing up for equality which is including women, and those of different ethnicities in the music industry and so much more. Most would ask,”Why is the music industry gaining more female workers?” Well I would say it has a lot to do with a connection to an artist or song they heard. If you hear a song and it correlates with your life, you become more interested in what that artist has to say and what other songs they will put out there. People like Gomez and Swift make songs that may describe what they have gone through in their life, and others may have gone through the same thing and want to support those artists. Once you build a connection to music it is hard to let it go. You want to embrace it and understand it more. And I believe with the steady increase of female artists making relatable songs, other females connect with that song and want to be apart of the music industry. There are many other reasons that lead one into the music industry, but one of the biggest is that emotional connection you gain with a song. At this point in the industry, not only are women growing, but the whole industry itself. People are beginning to realize how much music means to one’s emotions and sometimes even their life. With all of this said, if you know of someone going into the music industry, encourage them because it’s not easy. There is a lot of work you have to do before you can make enough to support even yourself financially. Surrounding yourself with the right people will make your life easier and your career stress free!


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