SXSW Panels

2021. The year of SXSW virtual conferences and zoom meetings. I am disappointed that I never got to be there in person, but I’m very grateful that we still have the opportunity to see some amazing people talk about how to be successful in their industry.

My first panel was CouRage talking about the gaming industry and what he focuses on during COVID times. The biggest thing that he said, no matter what industry you’re in,”Know your value!” If you are going to be an intern somewhere, you must know your worth! If I’m working with a brand, does it resonate with you? If you are promoting a product that you know isn’t healthy or doesn’t represent your brand, you should rethink who you are going to promote. And through COVID, gaming has been the biggest plug for people to connect and socialize since they can’t in person. Streaming/gaming is a big factor in drawing attention or bringing in others to socialize! I loved that even though I was watching a panel about gaming, everything he was talking about connected to any industry you are in! Definitely an informative panel!

My second panel was Steve Aoki talking about 5G and the future of music. Technology is becoming more and more relevant each and every year. It is how people connect to each other and 5G will be helping them grow even closer. With 5G, as a listener, you will be getting the best quality of the sound without any buffering and same for video-it should be 1080p or higher without any buffering. 5G becomes a big part of the music/video industry because people listen to music on their phones more than any other device, and they like to stream YouTube from their phones as well. With this said, it allows the viewer and listener to connect/engage in real time with the creators.

With all this said, I’ve learned a lot! Key points- Know your worth, know your brand, and always stay updated in the industry you’re working in. Especially in the music industry, as it continues to grow in technology, almost every year, we get new products for better sounding products! Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts on this blog post, if you have any comments, type them out below or feel free to email me!


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